
Why you must Choose an Inverter to a Generator

  1. works with Petrol or Diesel
  2. smokes hence suffocates
  3. air pollution

  4. noise pollution

  5. movable parts

  6. regular maintenance

  7. Very exp. on fuel

  8. attendant needed/ switching on and off

  9. engine based so spillage of oil and diesel is unavoidable

  10. running on higher or lower load almost same
  1. Working with rechargeable lead acid batteries

  2. No smoking (No Suffocation)

  3. No air pollution
  4. Less Noise pollution

  5. No Movable parts

  6. Maintenance require Every 3 month recharge of batteries
  7. Load change is fully Automatic

  8. system is fully solid state hence neat and clean running, cost far less

  9. Lower load higher back up hence higher durability of batteries

  10. Total Back up time 5-7hrs per day

total cost and Installation of a 5kva inverter for home or office use (490,000)

all parts from India

2.5 Kva to 12Kva Static UPS (1 Ph in-1 Ph Out)

Technical Specifications - Input Parameter

Input Voltage Range 180V – 260V

Input Frequency 50Hz ± 1.0Hz Window Phase 1Phase , 3 Wire

Technical Specifications - Output Parameter

Output Voltage 230V ± 7V

Output Power Factor 0.8

Efficiency >85%

Total Harmonic Distortion <3%>

Crest Factor 3 : 1

Change Over time <40m>

Overload Automatic 6 Retry

Surge Current Capacity Up to 300%

Output Wave Form Pure Sine Wave Technical Specifications Battery Parameters Charging Voltage 14.4V ± 0.2 Per Battery

Trickle Voltage 13.65 V ± 0.2V Per Battery Low Battery Cut Off 10.2 V ± 0.2V Per Battery Charging Current 10Amp ± 1 Amp

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