
Google Adwords

What is Google Adwords?

We're going to do a little imagining for a moment. Will you play along with me? If you do, it might make you a whole lotta money.
So let's say for a moment that you sell shoes, and you want to sell even more of them.
So you decide to advertise your in your local newspaper. Your hope, of course, is that there are people who read the newspaper who also buy shoes. Well, that's a pretty safe bet.
Lots of people read the newspaper, and lots of people buy shoes.
But, what are the chances that the people who are reading the newspaper are also looking for shoes, or even the kind of shoes, that you are selling?
Advertising has been around a long time, and no matter where you advertise, or what you are advertising, you always face this same problem.
And that problem is that some of your advertising dollar -- the majority of it -- is wasted on people who don't see, don't pay attention to, and don't care about your ad.
Now, let me ask you do a little more imaginging.
Imagine for a moment that you sell shoes, and you want to sell even more of them.
So you decide to advertise in your local newspaper...but it's not a regular newspaper. It's a magic newspaper.
What this magic newspaper does is pretty neat.
You see, if someone is thinking about buying shoes, then when they turn the page, the ads they see are all about shoes. And if they are thinking about buying pants, they see ads about pants.
And if they want to buy cell phones, ring tones, diet plans, or anything else, well the ad that they'll see is exactly what they were looking for.
And that, my friend, is what Google Adwords is.
Adwords is Google's advertising system that shows viewers advertisements based on the search terms that they just typed into Google. The innovative thing about Adwords, besides that it magically shows you an ad based on exactly what you're searching for, is that the advertiser is not charged a penny for his ad to be displayed.
The advertiser is only charged when the ad is clicked on.
That's where the term "Pay Per Click" comes from -- the advertiser only pays based on the clicks.
So why are we telling you all of this?
Because Google Adwords is one of the absolute best ways to get traffic to your website instantly. If you've got a reason for someone to visit your website -- like something for sale -- then you should consider using Adwords.
This month in the Coaching Club, we're concentrating on Google Adwords. And we're going to teach you how to get hundreds or thousands of visitors to your website every day -- for as little as a penny a click.
Sound good?
Great, then stick with us during February, as go deep into Adwords. And, if you're got any interest in having an Adwords account, you might even get me to set up your account for you.

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